Highly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite (HOPG) for graphite minochromator.
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TGG calibration gratings are intended for AFM calibration in X or Y axis, detection of lateral and vertical scanner nonlinearity, detection of angular distortion, and tip characterization.
Diffraction grating TDG01 is intended for submicron calibration scanning probe microscopes (SPM) in the X or Y direction.
TGX calibration gratings are intended for lateral calibration of AFM scanners, detection of lateral nonlinearity, hysteresis, creep and cross-coupling effects, and determination of the tip aspect ratio.
Grating set for Z-axis SPM calibration with four different height ranges – 20nm, 110nm, 520nm, 1400nm. This set includes TGZ1, TGZ2, TGZ3, and TGZ4.